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Paige & Co.

"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" (Edith Wharton).

Not too long ago, there was a girl who decided that she'd stop being the mirror. She wanted to share her own light with the world and she thought, why not make candles and sell them?! So she did just that. She learned and mastered the skill of candle-making and started a business.

Paige & Co. is a small business based in Trinidad and Tobago that takes pride in producing home and linen sprays and their main product of soy based candles. Soy based candles have a notably longer and cleaner burn than other candles, without any visible soot. Soy wax has various advantages over the paraffin wax that is used by many mass producers of similar products. Paraffin wax is a by-product of petroleum and is known for emitting harmful vapours while burning. However, soy wax is extracted from vegetables which is beneficial for you (the consumer) and the environment.

Fun Fact: The business' name is also the middle name of the owner! Minus the '& Co.' of course!

Just imagine you come home from a long, hard day at work and all you want to do is relax. A way to help you get into a relaxed mood quickly is by lighting a candle and breathing in the lovely scent that penetrates the air. According to, scent is a great tool for helping you sleep. also stated that some of the scents that  make sleeping better include lavender, jasmine, vanilla or any scent that you love! And guess what? Paige & Co. has all these scents and much more for you to choose from so finding a scent that you love may be easier than you think!

Here are only ten of a wide range of candle scents available at Paige & Co.:
(For a complete listing, click here).

Coffee Bean         
Caramel Wafers         
Orchid Mist                                     
Lavender & Chamomile   
Jasmine, Berries & Vanilla
Coconut & Bamboo
Fresh Linen
Peppermint & Eucalyptus
And so much more!

Here's how to get in touch with Paige & Co.:

Paige & Co. can be found at many pop-up markets within Trinidad and Tobago such as UpMarket & Green Market.

Follow their page on the following platforms to see when's their next market or place an order online:

Want to be featured on this blog? 

Click here.


Scents for Relaxation and Sleep. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2019, from


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