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Yes She Can

"The strongest people I've met in life, have not been given an easier life. They've learned to create strength and happiness from dark places", Kristin Butler.

A couple of years ago, Mrs. Roberta Rose-Collins was diagnosed with Celiac disease. Learn more about the disease here. As many persons with ailments would tell you, she had to make some lifestyle changes, but more so with her diet. She also added physical activity to her routine and was capable of completing her first half marathon in 2014!
 She transitioned from a once sedentary lifestyle to completing 13.1 miles of running! On the sidelines and there for support was her husband who couldn't hide the pride on his face for his wife who just crossed the finish line. She asked him whether he doubted that she would have finished the marathon and his response was nothing short of motivational. He told her that she had it in her to do anything she wanted to, to which she responded with a couple outrageous ideas - like any wife would, lol - but he supported her anyway by saying YES.

Roberta's self-love and self-care journey quickly became an inspiration to others as she began posting her activities and food on social media. Her original intent, however, was just a way to keep herself accountable for what she was putting into her temple (body) but persons started feeling motivated to join her journey. Her followers also changed their diets, started working out and trying new recipes as they saw her physical changes through her regular posts. Her journey was crossing borders as she even got messages from Dominica which prompted her to create a space for women to share their stories and motivate each other. She recalled her husband's support by saying yes to her ideas and the  motivation that the word yes gives her and the 'Yes She Can' (YSC) organization was born in 2015.

YSC is a non-profit organization that promotes and supports women (and men) in a variety of activities. To accomplish this, the organization collaborates with a number of other persons and organizations.  However, like other non- profit organization's YSC faced some challenges such as sourcing the right organizations and persons to build a relationship and collaborate with and also funding issues which meant that the organization would operate out of Roberta's pocket.

Some of the major achievements of the Yes She Can Organization are:
  • YSC Trinidad - started in 2015, lead a group of 16 women (non-athletic) and 4 men to training for and completing a mini-triathlon (2015); Team of 10 (6 women and 4 men) trained for and competed in the Dragon Boat Regatta (Chaguaramas, 2016); Teams and Individuals competed and completed several 5K runs and several half marathons, such as U.W.I, T.T.I.M and others.
  • The start of YSC Hong Kong in 2015 which continues strong until today.
  • YSC Anguilla was registered in 2018.
  • Mrs. Rose-Collins completed her Integrative Nutrition Health Coach certificate in January 2019, which would aid in further support work through YSC.
  • The YSC Women in Wellness Conference (2017).
  • The Launch of their Time Out Self Care Box and Self Care Workshop series.

To find out more about Yes She Can, you can follow them on Instagram or Facebook and check out their website.

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